I heard the smartest thing yesterday. I was taking a course on drugs (I seriously can't understand why people do that stuff) when the instructor started talking about friends and peer pressure. One person told her that they didn't want to lose their friend if they didn't take a hit or a sip or anything. Apparently, those friends were so important that they were willing to risk their futures for them. 
    While I was staring at the person with my eyebrows raised and a bemused expression on my face, the instructor said one of the smartest things that I have ever heard. "You know, some friends come and go. It's hard to lose them, but what I do to keep myself in check with that stuff is remember to say 'Some friends are there for a reason, and others for a season.' and remembers to cherish the reasonal and seasonal ones."
    That right there was one of the smartest things that I had ever heard. I've been having some problems lately and have honestly been losing sleep because of some frayed frienships. It's taken it's toll on me because I remember all those great times and want them back. But that phrase reminded me that thought some friends may be there for a season, like this one, others were there for a reason. 

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